19 Σεπ 2009

My Life According to: Tool [φυσικά :P ]

Pick your Artist: T()()L

Are you a male or female: Part of Me

Describe yourself: Sober

How do you feel?: Vicarious

Describe where you currently live: No Quarter

If you could go anywhere, where would you go?: Swamp Song

Your favourite form of transportation: (-)Ions

Your best friend,-s is/are: Aenima

You and your best friends are: Triad

What's the weather like? Flood

Favourite time of day: Intermission

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called?: Lateralus

What is life to you: Intension

Your current relationship: Hush

Your fear: Eon Blue Apocalypse

What is the best advice you have to give? open your...Third Eye

Thought for the Day: Pushit

How I would like to die: Right in Two

My soul's present condition: Schism

My motto: Intolerance

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